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The digitalised volumes of the Fugger collection

The Cathedral Library experienced a significant development at the time of the archiepiscopacy of György Lippay (1642-1666) and György Szelepcsényi (1666-1685). By purchasing the stock of the Fuggers comprising 1681 volumes, Lippay intentionally developed his library, and this was further enlarged by the purchases of Szelepcsényi. The library of Nagyszombat is enriched by several archiepiscopal and canonical heritages; by this the stock comprised almost 3000 volumes in the 1670s. At this time was the first alphabetical and thematic catalogue known prepared by the archbishop.

Schematisms (1647-1970)

Label Catalogue

It informs about the books obtained up to the 1960s. It enables retrieval according to author, title, in some cases according to key words as well

Catalogue of Manuscripts

A label catalogue in alphabetical order, and the following printed catalogues

Digitalised Historical Catalogues

Catalogue from the 17th Century

Ferenc, Pribélyi: Incunabula Typographiae ... in Ven. Capituli E. M. Strig. Bibliotheca praefulgentia. - Tyrnaviae, 1840.

List of incunabulas in our Library (from the 19th Century)

Professional Literature Related to the Library